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Event Details

Alec Kreisberg, Phone Alone USA

Alec Kreisberg, Phone Alone USA

DATE: Monday, September 7, 2020 -
Sunday, October 11, 2020
TIME: Monday to Saturday: 11am - 7pm, Sunday: 12pm - 5pm
Paradise Plaza 133
Driving Directions ADD TO YOUR CALENDAR iCal (Apple/Outlook) / Google Calendar MORE INFO

Incorporating found footage cellphone footage, with 3D animation I take viewers on a journey alongside my 3D virtual avatar as I explore the internet through a neo-surrealist dreamscape alongside the prophet, AI avatar representing the entire internet, In 2020.

Phone Alone USA is a video collage/animation displaying the artist actively exploring social media for news in 2020, discovering various intersecting truths within a shifting altered state of consciousness induced by scrolling through media.  The overwhelming aspect of consuming large amounts of information, BLM riots, the transparency and controversy around the idea of anti-semitism, performative internet behavior, Pornography, COVID-19, and the philosophical debate the US is internally waging about which ideology it should look towards moving forward are explored in a frenetic fashion.  

An obscenely famous meme star, being  the Socratic voice in society using our modern vernacular, makes their voice heard and The AI representing the multiple algorithmic artificial intelligences actively guiding our lives entices the question about whether we are cultivating our digital selves with our own prescribed point of views or if we are all guided by the same inevitable path of collectively engineered ethos by virtue of participating in using social media. 

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