Balenciaga opens its new Miami Design District flagship in Paradise Plaza. The largest United States Balenciaga store to date, the space combines both men's and women's collections into a two-story raw architecture concept built into the plaza's iconic Johnston Marklee steel-clad façade.
Two backlit Balenciaga signs, one over each floor’s entrance, can be seen through a glass and chrome façade that unites other storefronts in the plaza. The cutting-edge design strategy, however, sets the store apart from its polished surroundings with cracked and crumbling concrete bricks, slabs showing traces of scrubbed graffiti, and tiled walls layered with synthesized residue. Inside, Art Deco-inspired flooring that echoes Miami’s historic architecture is chipped and peeling away. Inside one will find original works by Charlotte Thrane on display, as part of Balenciaga’s Art in Stores series.